Custom Roman Shades|Sew Lovely By Kelly Sew Lovely By Kelly-Etsy|Sew Lovely By Kelly

Happy New Year!


Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy 2020! I want to just mention how thankful I am for the growth of Sew Lovely over the years and the support we’ve gotten. We’ve had a lot of return customers and that makes us super psyched because we know our product is working well and holding up very well, even with daily use.

This year was a busy one for us, as we added a few new products to the shop and made a few changes to our roman shades so that they function even better and look cleaner and more streamlined from the backside. There are no more rings on our classic shades or iron on tape that risks breaking or coming loose. Throughout the years, we’ve been constantly trying to better our product and I think this newest method is the best yet and we’ll be sticking with it for a while! Since using this new method, we have gotten more reviews and positive feedback.

We did a bunch of custom cushions this year, as well, and started also supplying foam. We also added fabric and trim to our website. For 4 years, we only really offered white canvas fabric and our customers supplied their own. But we know some customers may not have the time to buy the fabric or they do not know which kind to get, so we started adding more and more fabric options to our site, and fabric that we know works well. Customers seem to like to browse through our selection. We will continue to add new products and more fabric in 2020!

Hope everyone has a very happy New Year! And thank you for your kind support and business!

